Given the context of increasing environmental degradation, it becomes fundamental that organizations understand sustainability as a strategic issue, intrinsically linked to their daily lives. This approach does not admit to addressing this issue only in business operations, because it is an issue that involves the maintenance of life, and is present in the daily life of our society.
In the face of this challenge, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan set out to mobilize the international business community for the adoption of accepted values in the areas of human rights, labor relations, the environment and combat to corruption, reflected in ten principles and entitled "Global Compact."
To be sustainable, organizations seek to innovate their products and production processes, within their processes and in their supply chain, one of the solutions to remain competitive in the global market, reduce costs, use natural resources efficiently, be sustainable and to comply with international regulations and standards. Sustainability as a strategy of organizations, or sustainable business practices, is based on value generation without resource degradation environmental impacts.
The following excerpts from the Declaration of the UN Conference on the Environment (Stockholm, 1972), paragraph 6:
We come to a point in history where we must shape our actions throughout the world. world, with greater attention to the environmental consequences. Through ignorance or of indifference we can cause massive and irreversible damage to the environment, from which our life and well-being depend. On the other hand, through greater knowledge and wiser actions, we can conquer a better life for ourselves and for posterity, with an environment in tune with human needs and hopes (UNIDAS, 2017).
The term "Sustainability" is officially presented in 1987 in the World Commission on Environment and Development (CMMAD), of the United Nations (UN), being chaired by the former Prime Minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland. Defined as "[...] the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs "
Believing that sustainable development, which implies meeting the needs of without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. needs to become a central guiding principle of the United Nations. United Nations, governments and private institutions, organizations and enterprises (NATIONS, 1999, p. 1, translated by the author).
Some sustainable practices of Giovanni Passarella: